Comp Confidential

Experience modification repair

High Workers Comp Experience Modification Factor?

Better Experience Mod = Lower Rates. Save BIG on your workers' comp cost by repairing your experience modification factor!

What's an Experience Modification Anyway?

Don't settle

Do you have an experience modification factor

over 1.30?

If so, your business could be losing money every month! IT'S A FACT: you're automatically paying higher rates if your claims experience shows a higher than average rate of injury. You may also be in jeopardy of losing new contracts or substantial OSHA fines. Comp Confidential helps you lower your workers' compensation premiums by repairing your experience modification factor. It's time to increase your company's cash flow!


As the first step in our proprietary system, we will provide you with a free, no obligation workers’ compensation analysis. From there we will assess your business and its risk factors to determine a path to reducing your experience modification and decreasing your insurance premium... Did I mention this is free?


Let's partner on your road map to recovery! We'll sit down with you and assess where your business is, what went wrong, and detail the steps needed for proactive claims management, reserves negotiation, and policy placement. Giving YOU the control.

Repair and Save

Monitor all the parties involved are being held accountable; allowing for claims transparency, shorter claims length, and enhanced claims closure rate. Repairing your Ex-mod and saving you thousands... Easy to remember formula: Better Experience Modification = Lower Premiums

Who are we?

our mission: save you money

A small company with a big goal. We're here to change the way you handle workers compensation so you can focus on what’s most important - running your business.

We're a band of insurance nerds hellbent on lowering your workers' comp premium. We find the best ways to manage your risk and keep you out of the line of fire. Oh, and we have no time for insurance carriers that consider the people they work with as “just a number”.
We go beyond your standard workers’ compensation insurance agency. We have a team of work comp experts who use predictive analytics to take a proactive approach to minimizing workers’ compensation premium costs.

Stop the madness

Don't just "Shop" your Insurance. Take Control!

“Shopping” Workers Comp Insurance is pointless without a plan. It’s not solving a bigger problem. If your experience modification is not addressed, you may have a cash-flow problem for years…

This is the competitive advantage we offer you...

Monitor and Closeout Claims

360-degree Transparency Of Claims Process: Our industry-leading technology provides transparency into the claims process. From injured parties, to carriers, to policyholders, our innovative software shows everyone exactly where they are in the process.

Negotiate Reserves

Your reserves directly affect your ex-mod. Our team of experts will review the carrier’s analysis and dig into the actuarial details to identify and correct any overstated claims cost projections. We'll work with your carrier and your staff to bring reserve costs in line with real, actual potential costs.

Manage Submissions to Rating Bureau

Your information is sent to the WC rating bureau 6 months after your policy begins. (Experts estimate that as much as 40% of business receive a SURPRISE RENEWAL premium increase.) Let’s evaluate ALL your info before it gets submitted. If you wait until 90 days before your expiration date, you’re too late!

Experience modification analysis. Schedule Your 1st Free Strategy Session Now!

Insurance Nerd

Insurance can be boring...

but, not to this guy.

Andrew Riordan
Managing Director

It's up to you!

Take Control of Your Work Comp Ex-Mod and SAVE!

"Don't make me repeat myself" - History

It’s about saving money now with the correct placement of your policy with our network of carriers that specialize in businesses with high ex-mods.

And, creating an action plan to save you thousands in the long run.

This is not a quick fix or magic fairy dust. 

This is a proven, strategic process, that has helped hundreds of businesses with runaway x-mods.

Save money.

Closeout claims.

And, create a safer work environment for your employees.

We’re here to make sure a potential 1-year problem doesn’t turn into a 4-year problem. 

Potentially saving your company thousands of dollars in excess workers' compensation premium.

And, allowing you to put that money back into the growth of your business. 

Start Today!

Here's the Ugly Truth!

Let’s say you paid $100,000 of workers comp premium based on an average experience modification score of 100. Now your score jumps to 144 –

That’s a 44% increase.

The premium that was once $100,000, has now skyrocketed to $144,000.

You could potentially be paying $44,000 extra per year!

But there could be a bigger problem... 

In 5 years your 144 Experience Modification Rate can potentially cost you an additional $220,000!

What happens to your business if you can’t get your experience modification down?

Or, worse

What happens to your business if your experience modification continues to increase?

Let's Not Let That Happen!

Our Results

Comp Confidential is just

"built different"


Our Testimonial

What People Are


“I had no idea what was going on with my comp rates – I hate to say it, I didn’t even know what an Ex-Mod was. Andrew not only explained the issues, but he also put me on a path to success.

David M.

Comp Confidential gives us peace of mind knowing we’ve got the best coverage to protect our employees and our business. They worked their tales off to lower our experience mod and get us on the right track with our work comp costs!

Richelle S.

“I saved over $8,000 on my insurance policy and you guys found a gap in my previous coverage. So stoked that I found you guys. Thanks Andrew for all your hard work and for answering all of my questions.

Justin Schmitz

“The experience was one of the easiest parts of setting up our business and we got the exact coverage that suited our needs!


“When other insurance companies wouldn’t consider covering us for a variety of different reasons, they alone worked hard to find unique coverage options that fit my personal business needs.

Hannah M.

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Stay informed

The climate of workers' comp and the effects of exprience motification is always changing. Be sure to stay on top of the latest trends.

Disclaimer: Due to the nature and complexity of our service we must limit the number of clients we on-board per month. We in turn choose to work exclusively with clients that are committed to the methodology needed for long-term success. If you are looking for an agency to merely “shop” your insurance, we can refer you to other resources. 


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